Premise Update

Premise is no longer in it’s beta phase and will be promoted from Beta software to GA (General Availability) later this month.

We are excited by how much the people who trialed Premise love it, and would like to give our sincere thanks for all the great feedback.

For those of you who don’t know what Premise offers, it’s an online system (no install required) that provides access to Property Information from Land Information New Zealand integrated with Council and other Government agency data.

Access to our new online service Premise is free for up to 6 users if you are on Quickmap monthly updates, but can also be sold separately if you are not a Quickmap user.

Premise includes access to more free Survey Plans (both post and pre 300,000 series plans) than any other product in NZ, other than our existing products Quickmap and Prover. This should save you time and money.

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